Hey there! I'm April, the dessert enthusiast behind the magic of custom dessert shooters, mouthwatering late-night eats, and all things sweet. With over a decade of experience in the world of crafting delightful confections, I've been on a sugar-coated adventure like no other.

But first things first, I'm not just a dessert enthusiast; I'm also a proud mom of two amazing kiddos who inspire me every day. They're my ultimate taste testers and keep me going, no matter how many late nights we spend in our trusty food truck.

What We Do

At April's Treats and Eats, we're all about making life a little sweeter. From dazzling dessert shooters to those late-night cravings you can't ignore, we've got you covered. This is not your ordinary dessert shop; it’s your dessert dream team.

A Decade of Sugar & Spice

Eleven years of mixing, baking, and decorating have taught me a thing or two about what makes a dessert unforgettable. It's not just about the taste (although that's pretty important); it's about the joy it brings and the stories it creates. And let's not forget the sugar rush that can light up any night!

The Sweetest Journey

As a mom, I've learned that life is all about finding that perfect balance – and for me, that's the sweet spot between family and frosting. My two kiddos are my daily dose of inspiration, reminding me that every dessert should be as unique and magical as they are.

Join Our Sugar-Fueled Adventure

Now, it's your turn to be part of this delightful journey. Join us for a sweet escape, whether you're craving a late-night treat or a dessert shooter that's as unique as you are. We believe in the magic of customization, so don't be shy about sharing your wildest dessert dreams with us.

Let's turn your sugar fantasies into reality. Hop on board and indulge in the sugary creations we whip up because, at April's Treats and Eats, we take your sweet tooth on a flavor-packed adventure that you won't want to end.

Let's get dessert dreaming together!